Giornale online di enogastronomia • Direttore Fabrizio Carrera
Numero 157 del 18/03/2010

VERSO IL VINITALY Even after ten years Sicilian wines taste good

18 Marzo 2010
wine-tasting wine-tasting


Cronache di Gusto rivendica la longevità dell’enologia siciliana organizzando a Verona una degustazione annata 2000. Per partecipare basta inviare una mail a

Even after
ten years
Sicilian wines
taste good

Cronache di Gusto’s arrival at Vinitaly coincides with a great event dedicated to Sicilian wines in which those who simply delight in wine, buyers and producers alike can participate. A new message is being launched: Sicily is not only quality but also longevity.
The Island puts its vintage wines to the test by provoking the palates of experts and wine lovers alike, with a wine tasting that wants to give pride of place to the taste of an enology which ages and improves with time. Hence, during day one of Vinitaly – programmed to take place in Verona from 8th to 12th April 2010 – Cronache di Gusto has organized a tasting of “Sicilian Wines Challenging Time: vintage 2000”-
The event has been organized in collaboration with the Regional Institute of Vines and Wines which will put journalists, buyers and trade together to taste the products from several of the island’s vineyards, to name just a few: Abraxas, Avide, Benanti, Ceuso, Duca di Salaparuta, Gulfi, Planeta, Riofavara, Spadafora and Tasca d’Almerita.
Fabrizio Carrera, the editor in chief of Cronache di Gusto explains “ we want to get across that the Sicily of wine does not only equate to quality, but also to longevity –  and it is on this front that the Island still has a lot to say, through the long established vineyards and those newly on the scene. The formula of wine tasting is one that has been successfully experimented in Sicily – he continues – on three other occasions with different types and vintages. Now, it is with pride, that we are here at Vinitaly,  the most prestigious enological fair, to broadcast a new message for  Sicily, the Sicily of wines.”
The appointment is for 8th April at 2.00pm in the Sala Argento at Palaexpo of Vinitaly, in Verona. For those of you who would like to attend, all you have to do is book by writing to leaving your name, surname, profession, email and telephone number.

Paola Pizzo

Traduzione a cura di Deborah Halliday